Meaning of home

What is home and what does it mean to me? Why is home so important? Home is so important because it is filled with happy thoughts and happiness which is so important. A home is important because it is a place where nobody judges you, it is a welcoming place and it is like wrapping its nice warm arms around you. Firstly let’s talk about family, family is so important in a home because you love them and they love you too. Family makes a home filled with love and laughter. Family is a part of a home because they give you love and happiness. The second reason is love. I choose love because home is filled with it which is good because everyone that goes to your home, they will feel that love and they will like that because love should be in a home like your family provides you with love. For the third reason, I went with the feeling of the home, and the people there,there lots of feelings but the main 3 are happiness,sadness and madness these are the 3 out of many feelings and these feelings all wrap around love/happiness. Now, what does home mean to me? To me, home means love, and having fun. Although at my house I do fight with my sister, at the end of the day, we still love each other, and home to me means that my family and I play games, watch tv shows/movies etc. This is what home is all about, love, family, and last but not least, the feelings. This is what home is all about.


6 Année

Oakville, Ontario

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