Home isn't just a place to live, it's also a place to love.
Like my family, my mom, dad, siblings and my pets.
In a home we have some sad times, lots of happy times and funny times. Me and my sister were playing tag and hide and seek. A really happy time was when I got a cat. She is so sweet. Her name is Roxy, and the newest pet of the family is Koda, a bunny. He is so fast.
In a home there are memories living inside the walls we live in.
Memories in my walls are new year, valentine's, St. Paddy’s day, Easter, Canada day, Halloween and birthdays.
Home is a place to sleep, eat, and learn responsibility.
Home is the place I can feel safe.
Home is where I learned to crawl, walk
You can be yourself at home.
I know when the time is right I will move out and my home number will be different but I will make memories in that one too.
I feel bad for the people that don't have a home.
I hope they will have a home soon.
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