What a home means to me.
There is a difference between a house and a home. A house is described as a building. A home could be anywhere whether it's a building, an apartment or a condo. For me a home is full of feelings, comfort and people.
Everyone has feelings like being happy, sad, mad and more! At home feelings come and go. I can feel very grumpy because my little brother woke me up early. I could feel sad over a mean comment. Or I can be mad because no one agrees with my idea. There is one feeling I will never loose. I will always be happy with everything I have.
When I say comfort, I don't mean a fluffy couch or a special bed. When I say comfort, I feel great because I can relax without anyone judging my position or what I'm doing.
If I ever have a problem at school, I tell my family. I let everything out whether its madness or sadness until, me and my family find a solution. I feel better very quickly because I find my family very supportive and trustable.
I don't need to impress anyone. I'm aloud to make mistakes or relax in whatever position I like. Also I'm aloud to react in any way. Overall at home I can be myself.
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