What does home mean to me?
Home is where you sit with your family which is good and home is where you play with your brother and sisters.
Home is where you are safe and get memories and eat dinner with your family or travel. Home is where you relax and do whatever you want. Home is where your friends and cousins come over which is fun because we could play.
Home is where you feel happy and calm and a home is a future. If we had a stable home, we could think beyond where we were going to live from week to week, and we could begin to look ahead to Where we wanted to go. A home is a place where everything begins.
Home is where we are safe inside. Home for me is the best place to stay because I can do whatever I want and play with my toys, not other people's toys, especially now we're in covid.
Home is where you have everything and you could sleep on your bed which is so comfortable than sleeping on the couch.
Home is where you share your happiness and sadness with your parents, cousins, or friends. Maybe that's gonna make you feel better, and if they help you and respect you it will be much, much better.