The Meaning of Home
Home is more than just a roof and four walls. Home is a place where I was raised. Where I played, cried, laughed, and learned. Home is where I learned from mistakes to help me become the person I am today. Home is where I became me, a smart, strong, sixth grade student. Home is where I made my best memories with my favourite people. Home is a safe and secure place where I can sleep knowing that I'll wake up in the same bed tomorrow. Home is where I can be comfortable in my own skin and be who I want to be. Home is a feeling that I feel when I walk in the door. Home is the people that greet me when I get home from school. Home is the smell of freshly cooked dinner after waking up from a 3 hour nap. Home where I became closer with my family and friends. Home is where I had the weekly sleepovers with my friends and we pulled our first all nighters. Home is where I relax after a hard night of soccer practice. Home is where I said my first word. Home is so much more than a four letter word. Home is where I walked for the first time, where I spoke for the first time, and where I ate for the first time. Home is truly one of my favourite places to be and I'm forever grateful for it. This is what the meaning of home means to me.
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