Your Home

Home is a place where you feel safe. Do you have a house, and if you do what make it safe? Is it warm? Maybe your home has memories of you because my apartment has memories of me, like even though my home is old, it reminds me of when I was younger. Do you have pictures of you as a baby or as a kid? What does your home look like, big or small? Is your home a cozy, safe place? Does it have hot and cold showers, food, hot meals? Is it something you can depend on? Does it have furniture, a place to live and most important, family? If you have time, do you play and laugh? Do you have a sister or a brother? Well it would be cool to share a room with sister or a brother because I know how it feels. I have a sister and a brother and it's really fun. Always remember, old or new, home is where you should say “home, sweet home”.


5 Année

OTTAWA, Ontario

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