A Home Is For Everyone

A home is for everyone, Animals and insects, 3, 2, 1. But it may take some time, For everyone to get one. You could roam, Around your favourite home. You can sleep in your bed, As you said, “A home is for everyone” Home should belong to everyone in the world, even trees, animals or even furniture. A home is important to me since it is a place where you feel that you belong. I sometimes see homeless people sitting on the pavements. They do not have any place to live or have any shelter and I feel heartbroken. It is necessary for humans, animals, insects, or even furniture, to have a home. A home is one that you loved the most and can play with your family in your own private space. Your brain automatically saves the image of your home and reminds you of it whenever you are sad about something. If you live in a home, you should always remember that not everyone gets home and that we are lucky to have one. Not everyone can afford a home, which is why people sleep in the streets, unfortunately. Pets in the store also need a home. I think people should adopt pets to give them a home. Very tiny animals like ants or bees need a home too to avoid being eaten by predators. Everyone always feels safe when they are at home. Also, predators like cheetahs, tigers, lions or panthers need a home to hide from the harsh weather conditions or a place to reserve their food. Furniture also need homes to make themselves useful and a place for them to stay. All this leads to one thing, a home is for everyone!


5 Année

Scarborough, Ontario

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