What home is to me!

You know when people sleep in the streets and don't have a house we call them home less but they actually might not be because they are house less but what if they have family and friends and love and happy times and memories then where ever they are with their family that is there home while they may be houseless they aren't homeless .Houseless people have bad times but that is what habitats for community is here for ,If anyone is houseless they should remember that every home they pass that they are at home as long as they are with their family Friends and have LOVE.But their is such a thing as homeless if you are alone don't have family you’re sad all the time you have no friends and no one loves you And you don't love any one you are homeless even if you have a house that is a shelter it is not a home if there is no love init if you have love and a family then you can never be homeless THE NEW HOME I am a house I am lonely and feel down,I am just cement vents and bricks ,I have dirty windows because I have no one to clean those ,I have never heard the sound of footsteps because no one is here to take them But one day my feelings changed instead of glum another feeling had come , I was excited for I heard footsteps coming I Heard the sound of a bird had a family finally come? I hope they move in easily , I saw two little kids a mom and a dad the pet bird was wet I think it will be raining this sun set ,,one day later they finally moved in ,they lay in bed and slept, in the morning they were in a rush their was crying and frying but I was not upset they all left for work and school, and when they shut the door the bird fell of the stool,after a long day they finally came back, the lock opened with a big clack the family came in the little girl had cried and eyes were wet her sister was full of sweat they both had a rough day I bet I but then they opened the fridge and took some Popsicle that were gray like an article and they all smiled and joked laughed choked but I was not mad I was actually glad of the mess nor did I second guess for the first time I am not a house I am a home I have love in me and memories for now I am a home to a lovely family . To me a home Is where You have love ,family and friends. ,Home is a place that you have love family and friends and memories but for a house to be a home their has to be love and fun and sometimes glum but home is a place you stay and lay sleep and sway grow and more home is where you have your childhood have fun be a kid or a parent .


4 Année

kitchener, Ontario

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