This Is What Home Means To Me

First my desk because every morning my bunny Max goes and sleeps under my desk until I give him his morning salad and then can go back to sleep. On the first morning me and my sister went to the basement and took the first picture.Also It was the first place that we played in the new house. The kitchen is the place that me and my sister go to when we fight, then we cook and go out like nothing happened. Also my family and I love to cook. One of the things that means home to me is the living room because it was the first place that I saw my baby brother since he was born.It was also the first place that I played and held him in the living room. Something that makes a family happy is joy. It can also mean kindness ,niceness and most importantly strong love.That is something that helps with joy. That is what home means to me


4 Année

Barrie, Ontario

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