What home means to me
Home is where memories are made, where comfort surrounds you at all times. Delicious meals around the dinner table enjoyed with family and friends and pets that always want some. You are able to express feelings with parents and not feel judged by them or others. Love and care around every corner, joyful and playful energy fill the walls of a home. Items passed down from family members and photos to remember the ones who have passed away. Sometimes there will be fights but family and true friends will always come back and forgive. For me, it’s sometimes loud with pets running around and laughter and joyful and playful energy. After supper we will all snuggle up on the couch and watch a tv show together. In the deep cold of winter, the walls of my home keep me warm, once my family and I took a trip to Ottawa and there was a man with only a blanket and coat sleeping on the sidewalk, so I gave him a twenty dollar bill, it was so cold that I wanted go home and I felt sad as I thought of how he didn’t have a home to go back to, but sadly this year house prices are so high giving homeless people even less of a chance to buy a home, that’s why I’m entering, so hopefully a person or family in need can get a home. I wish there wasn’t as many people or families without a house around the world.
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