Meaning of Home

Before I start my meaning of home I want to know what makes a home, a home to you? A few things I will talk about what I think the meaning of home is and, that not all houses are homes. Firstly I think what makes a home is the feel, the safety, and the love you have in it. If you were in a war filled place that would not be home that would be a dangerous path where if you fall then you can not get back up. Another thing that makes a home is the people that are there. When you have your family you feel good, and somewhat safe. So personally I it is about the people you are with, and the safety you have at your home. Secondly I want to talk about the fact that not all homes need to be a house. An example of this is when someone says Ontario is my home. They're referring to a country not a house. Another way this can be described is if someone liked Mcdonalds for example. They might say that Mcdonalds is their home when it is not. This shows that a home is not always a house So that is what I think about the meaning of home, and I hope the place you call home is safe. Also I hope your mom, dad, sister, brother, even dog is happy with you, and you're happy with them. Ontario is where I call home. What about you?


6 Année

Elmvale, Ontario

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