The Meaning of Home to Me

The meaning of home doesn't just mean your table, your bed, or all of your furniture. Here is what the meaning of home means to me. Home is feeling very safe with my loving family. Home is tasting my delicious food made by my mother called Kabuli Palau. The food is made out of rice, carrots, raisins and more. Home is hearing the loud and frightening cries of my little brother. Home feels very comfortable but also other feelings, like sad, mad, angry, happy any feeling you want to feel. Home is smelling the cologne that my dad puts on before going to work. Home is seeing my lovely family welcoming me home from school. Home has lots of memories. Home is where I first started talking. Home is where I first started walking. Home is where I have my precious possessions such as my gold medals from Taekwondo. Home is where my religion is wide and open and we pray for everybody to have their own home with their families. Home is where I have my pastimes such as drawing a picture with my little brother to calm and settle him down. Home is playing a video game with my whole family having fun. Home is where I leave when I go on vacation. When I visit my home country of Afghanistan or places like America, where we first say “hi” and then “goodbye”. Home is home and it will always be for me and for my family!


6 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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