What Home Means to Me

Dear Habitat to humanity, Today I will be talking about what my home is to me and listing all the things. Hope you enjoy reading the letter. Please read the letter I worked super hard on. I love having a home for sure. I am very upset that some people do not have a home because then they have no shelter. The most comforting for me is feeling that I am home. You feel lots of things about your house like sadness ,when you have to move because you love your home and don’t want to leave it. You can feel comfortable because you are sitting on your bed and realacing. Also, you can feel comfortable because you can be yourself and you can do things other people think are weird. You can feel many feelings when you're at your home. The thing you will almost always have is family. Family is showing that you care and love them all the time and mostly in your home. They will love you all the time and take care of you but mostly at home. Family is a thing that you get only once never more. There are always many things to say about family in your home. Love is important. Love is not only for family at your home. It is also for you to love your home. For example, if you have to leave your home forever or a long time you might miss your home. But that is love that is there helping build your home. A house is just a building so if you live in it it is a home that is always home no matter where you are. Home is where love, emotion and family are. Hope you read my letter. If you did, thanks a lot. I worked hard. Sincerely, B


4 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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