When you hear the word home, what do you think of immediately? Maybe a house, or an apartment, maybe something else, but what really makes a home a home? I have moved between 6 houses and 2 countries in the last 6 years, and each time, it would take me a while for me to call it home. Each time, I have made friends, and have had to say goodbye to friends. Each time, I have had to go to a new school, and leave that school, but when is a home a home? Everybody knows the moving process, packing, people put it in the truck, then it goes to where you are moving it, and then unpacking and all that. Is a home just the place that you live? Or can it be a place where you feel welcome? Such as a friend's house, or maybe a store that you like. I really like skateboarding, so I think that going to the skatepark makes me feel at home. I know for a lot of people they can't experience the same feeling of home as I can, and a lot of people don't even have a home they can go to when the day is over, but I think we can all find the one place that makes us feel at home.
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