What does home mean to me?

The dictionary defines homes as ‘the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household,’. Words so touching like love become very boring in front of a dictionary. It means exactly what it says, though it’s a place where people live, sleep, and eat. It’s a place where I can be safe. But, I have some different definitions for home. I would say home is a place where I can be me. It’s a place where there’s nothing to hide. Whether your real self is good or bad, it’s a place where you can rest and relax. That's why home depends on the owner. If the owner is good, then the house will be filled with good things. If the owner is bad, the house will be filled with bad things.I kind of agree on the part of 'member of family or household’ because home equals nothing when you don’t have family and love at home. Home - love = 0. It’s a place where you fill it with love and memory, and where it can be completely your own and only your own. It’s a place where it’s always there for you. Whether you left home 1 hour ago, or 1 year ago. It might be somewhere you go often and where you have happy memories, where you can feel loved. It might be a hospital, if you feel most welcomed there, it might be your school, if that’s where you feel most loved. When I was around five, I got badly illed and I got hospitalized. It was very boring at the time, and I had to eat some very disgusting medicines, but still, it was a good memory. The doctors and the nurses were very nice to me, and my mom and dad kept looking out for me. Thanks to them, I recovered quickly and got back to my daily routine. Like that, home could be anywhere, everywhere when you are surrounded by families and friends. Because home is inside you. What matters is who lives there and how it treats you, not where it is. Maybe, to some people, home might not even be a place. It might be someone, or something. If you are with that person, you will feel home with that person. If you have that thing with you, you will feel at home. Now, I say it again, home is not where, because it is inside you. You might not like your home. You might not like your family who lives there. Maybe you ran away from home. That doesn't matter, because your families, they’re the one who will remember you until the last moment. They will love you on the inside, whatever they say on the outside. So, you need to try. You need to try and be happy, make home ‘home’. Make it full of colour, doesn’t matter how expensive it is, how fancy it is, it doesn’t matter. What matters the most is you, what matters is if you think of it as home or not. Do what you like in your home. Live with your family in your place. Invite your friends and cousins to your house. Maybe buy a pet if you’re lonely. Make home a bit of yourself. Make home full of love.


6 Année

Oakville, Ontario

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