Home Is Like A Comfy Pair Of Sweats
To me home is like that feeling I get after a long day of wearing stiff dress clothes then changing into my comfiest pair of sweats and T-shirt. It's like a warm hug on a cold winter's day. The feeling that comes over me when my favorite song comes on, and I can't help but sing along with it.
At home I hear all the familiar sounds of my house. Like the hum of the two fridges in the kitchen, the floorboards that creak each morning when I get out of bed, and the screaming of the shower pipes when it's cold outside. Home is the familiar sounds I miss when I’m away from my sanctuary.
When I am at home I get to know everyone around me. Like the Newfie friends next door, and their adorable dog Cocoa. Or the Belgian neighbor across the street who survived World War II. In my neighborhood I am lucky enough to have friends to play with. We fill our time together with tobogganing in the winter, and late night hide ´n´ seek sessions in the summer.
A home can be about more than its people and comforts. It can be about small things like the decor on the walls, to the throw pillow on the bed. Each of these are familiar and feel like home to me. The changing of the holiday decorations and the smell of spices. With each season's change it creates a familiar memory. Even the ripping up of the old carpet and the musty smell it gives off, means new and exciting changes are coming. To some it means never having to change.
Above all, home is about those who surround me and I call family. My “safe people”. Home can be where my family calms me. Home can also have the benefits of safety. My home is where laughter painted the walls, and where love has filled the space.
That is what home means to me.
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