What Home Means To Me
Home is not a shelter it is a feeling.In the safety of your home you can feel peace.Comfort is a feel that you experience in a home.A supportive family is the key to unlocking that front door of your home. Home can’t walk away from you, it will always be in your heart.
In my mind what a safe home looks like a lock on the door so I know no one will just wonder into my house and sleep one the bed and not always being stressed out that I won't be able to have a bed when I get to my home I always know that I will have my own clothes and bed.I also have a family near me.I also have a door on my room so no strangers will come in and I feel protected.I have food in the fridge fresh produce and a warm dinner.I have a dining table to eat food on.
Also that there is a roof over my head so when it rains I am not cold and wet.Or when it is a lightning storm I have protection so there is no worry or risk and knowing that I may won't get into the shelter I can just go to my home and feel safe.In a house I know that no strangers will walk into my house and not worrying that there are going to be dangerous people like who have a gun,or who have been in contact with alcohol or drugs.or they don't have any resources to help with that which brings me to my next statement which is resources so if you are going through a tuff time or a mental stage in life. And if you don’t have thoughts and resources it could end up not as good of a life as you would imagine.
What does comforting home means to me is a nice cozy couch that I can sit on with my family for movie night and just have a wonderful time and have laugh sometimes or maybe it would be just me and I have peace and a space to come to after school if I had a rough day and I can sit one that comfy couch and just watch some tv.But in a shelter you would not be able to come home to a comfy cozy couch and no peace and quiet and maybe I .won't even get to go to school and get an education or a good experience and maybe make some friends and have a great job and a career path. And when it was a cold day I could have some warm blankets to sleep with and maybe some nice pillows so maybe I don’t hurt my neck and that is what pillows are for so you can let your neck have a break.Maybe there is a fan in your room so when it is hot you can cool down or just came form a activity or sports class you can go to your room and have a fan.I also have entertainment so maybe a ipod or ipad or phone or maybe that isn’t a electronic maybe that’s a fidget toy or a lego set or a paper plane toy whatever catches your interest you may have in your house/room.But also maybe some comfortable stuffys in your bed.Because in a shelter you don’t have a lot of money so you are only going to want to spend it on one thing and that is food or maybe one blanket that you share with the rest of your family.And sometimes that can be hard considering if you have like 3 kids.
What a supportive family looks like to me.A supportive family looks like a family that cares about me no matter your race or gender or if you are gay,trnasgender,bisexuall,ETC.Or maybe they say “No” to me because they know it is best for my health and my life or edaucation for an example if I asked can I go to a candy shop and buy 150$ worth of candy my parents would probably say no because they know that this is what is best for me.They can buy me some fresh proudues and some vegetables and nice homemade meals that are warm and not just raw or cold.But also cares about me so doesn’t just forget about me they actually notices me because sometimes you can just feel like your a ghost and be forgotten and that can cause some non healthy relastionships and bad mental health but also just your feelings in genral.But sometimes a non supportive family if you are sick they wont bring you to the doctor to get checked at they properly can’t afford medicine for you as well as health care or there incurance fees.
Home is a feeling not a place.
You feel safe when you are in a home.Comfort is a peaceful feeling.If you have a supportive family on your side you feel yourself.A supportive family is a family that cares about you.Home is a place where your feet can go but not your heart.
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