Home oh Home what a Beautiful Home

At home I can be me I can be who I want to be, I got a hanging chair and a few light fixtures over there and that's all I want for me At my home there’re rows upon rows of what I like to see like my stuff my pets my parents and sometimes friends that came over to play, In home I play all day and at home after l play l lay and drift away to sleep Home could be in a tree all I want is somewhere to sleep that I can call home for me and my family Sometimes it will be messy sometimes it will be clean you never know what it might be My home is the place where I feel so safe At home I have, pets, parents, siblings, and Sometimes friends all waiting there for me Home is the safest place for me At home I stay silly and safe and that’s what makes my home has everything l need It is where I stay and play all day and l like it that way My home has a metal door and a lot more doors over there that keep me safe and warm from all the cold up there It used to live a family of bugs now my family My home is the happiest place and it is where I stay lt is on a busy street but beautiful and all for me the mice removed and traded for a better price when we need a new pretty house even though it will be a long time for me It's got a nice giant table for holiday meals with my family and friends


5 Année

Burlington, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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