Home Is Where the Heart Is
Home is where you can hang your hat
Outside my home, there is a welcome mat
My home is a place I feel loved and secure
Every time I enter home I feel reassured
I love coming home to see family and friends
So I welcome them to my home, I hope the fun never ends
When someone says home they do not meen a house
Hope, love and security is home even for a mouse
Even when your sad or feeling lost
Right at home happiness has no cost
Eventually people will come to see
That home is the place where you want to be
However big or how ever small
Even if it's not a mansion, I already have it all
Home for Humanity is helping everyone out
Everyone should speak their mind
And have no doubt
Right now everyone needs some hope and love
To brighten the view of the beauty above
I think Home for Humanity is more than it seems
So now you know it’s not just a house but a place full of dreams
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