The Meaning of Home
The Meaning of Home
By Ghina Hamra
Home is where you should feel warm, loved, safe, you belong. If I could imagine a home I would imagine a nice cozy, safe place where there are lots of people you rely on and people you are comfortable with, people that love YOU for who you are, and they do not make you feel you have to change, a home should have a family I have a mom, dad, two brothers and a sister with lots of birds I love my home its somewhere I look too coming every day . Home stands for happy, operative magical and eager. I know that not everyone has a home, that is why I am grateful for everything I have, some people may have homes, but they are not safe to live in. A home and a house are too different things a house is a structure, and a home is full of feelings. I wish everyone had a place to call home.
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