What My Home Means to Me

Home to me means feeling safe, loved, secure, and comfortable. A home should be a safe place. A home does not need to be big or fancy, it just needs to be a place where you can have shelter, make memories, and have good times. A home should be a place where you can feel comfortable expressing your feelings and be able to talk to the people you love without feeling judges or scared. I am very thankful that I have and always had a home, and I know I am not the only one to feel that way. Everyone deserves a home, no exceptions. The word home is more like a feeling. Home is a good and happy feeling. Home is a good and happy feeling; it makes you feel good inside and happy. Everyone should be grateful to have a home and should have that feeling of home because some people are homeless and live on cardboard, in the forest on roots and rocks, and some people must sleep on the side of highways. It can be really saddening inside to hear the truth. I hope that my words can help even just one person or family to find a house to call their home. -Audrey Callahan.


5 Année

Thornbury, Ontario

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