What Home Means To Me

When people think about home they think about a house or an apartment, but home is something very different. A house is made out of bricks, stone or hardwood but a home is a place where you will never feel alone. It’s acts of kindness that makes a house a home… Without love a house is just a shelter, but filling it up with positive memories and love is what will make it a home. The memories of family dinners, being a helper, and just living life are what make my house a home. I love being able to say that I grew up in a home… A home is unexplainable, it's where you feel happy and you can be yourself without the fear of getting judged for being different. When people talk about a home they think about a family living in a building, but when you actually think about home its true meaning is where you were born or where you have made so many memories that will never be replaced… A home is a happy place where you feel calm and relaxed, or maybe you are stressed but if you just admire your home and the relationships you have with people you might calm down. A home might be very hard to make but not easy to break at all. The bonds that you have made with your family and friends will be the pillars of your home. And that is what home means to me.


5 Année

Mississauga, Ontario

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