What My Home Means To Me

I look up to the sky and wonder about the home that's kept me safe when there was thunder. One roof and four walls can mean so much to me, there are so many memories. Through the good times and the bad my home has been there, and through laughter and tears. The love and happiness that spreads through me when I walk into my house, my dog wagging his tail excited to see me, a smile spreads across my face. It doesn't matter how bad my day was, when I come home my family is there to make me feel better. There have been many holidays at my home, Christmas, Easter, Halloween you name it. Home is a place where I feel comfortable. Home isn't just a word it's so much more than just a word. Home is happiness, love, Intangible items. Home is also family, pets, they are all a part of home. Home can mean different things, when I think about my home I think of my dog Brodie, every single day of the year I come home to Brodie, a happy dog always excited to see me. I also think of my bedroom, the bedroom that kept me safe when I had nightmares. My family also comes to mind, just my Mom, my Dad and my sister. I love them all so much, so much love and happiness in my home. Love and happiness, that is what I think of, for a saying goes: ´´It's about the inside not the out´´. Home comes in many different sizes and shapes, but in the end it is not about that. I think that everybody deserves a home, everybody deserves a house to sleep in, make good memories in, to celebrate holidays in. Home makes me smile, home makes me happy, home makes me laugh, home makes me feel safe, home lets me have fun, home means a lot to me. I remember sleepovers I have had in the past, I remember coming home everyday, sharing stories of my day with my loved ones. I guess that home means one thing, not several meanings but one big definition, one word so strong. Happiness. Smiles, family, pets, music, laughs, greetings, goodbyes, sleepovers, playdates, tears, tears of joy or tears of sadness. My home is not alive, my home cannot speak, but somehow my home can be very comforting. When I am sad my home is there, when I am happy my home is there. I guess that a house can't move, so I can depend on my home for being there. I can get so attached to the items, intangible or tangible, because they have been there since I was born. For it's not just the home that's special, but the items inside. For example my great grandma's chair, we still keep it in our house to this day. I never put a lot of thought into my home, but I am so very thankful for my home. That is what I think of when I think of my home. It may be a lot, or it may be a little, but my home means so much. I thank Habitat for Humanity for what they are doing, so other kids just like me can have a home to live in, to laugh in, to have fun in.


5 Année

Burlington, Ontario

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