A Hiding Home
When I'm lost,
I’m shattered and heartbroken.
When I don’t have comfort and it seems my heart is adrift,
even when all my hope has strayed
and support isn’t an option.
There will always be a piece of my heart,
That piece is my home.
I can put up walls, I can bury everything,
But my heart will never give.
My home will stay with me,
I will always have a home to return to,
a sanctuary.
My sanctuary
A place made for me, my home, myself.
My family, our love keeping our home moving and changing.
My home will stay with me, it may change
But it’ll never leave, not a home .
Without a house, I'll still have a home
People say home is where the heart is
But my home is not just MY heart,
it’s our hearts
Where our hearts can love and grow,
My home needs the help and care from others home to survive
We find our homes and find ourselves safe and never alone.
I may not always share my home with the same people
and I might move around a bit,
but I will have that feeling waiting.
My home,
it's not built but found
My family and I found our home,
But at some points we’re still finding it, our feeling.
Using our love to guide ourselves to that feeling in our hearts.
My heart is my home
I will have my hidden heart,
my family
My hidden piece of home
Ready for when I find my family, family old or new,
ready for when I find that feeling.
My home can open and shine its light again.
To make everything stronger,
give everyone love to share and a life to live to its fullest!
That is my home!