What Home Means To Me

Your home is your happy place, where you can feel joy and happiness. I don’t think only walls and a roof can make a home, what makes a home is the things inside of it the fun you have, the family, the happiness. If you have a mansion but you don't have a family, what is the point of the empty rooms? I have moved from Pakistan to Canada and our home is not a very big house right now, it is an average house that just fits our needs. But then I think of the people living out there in the cold without any shelter, without any food. At once I convinced my mom to donate to a website because when I was a kid I used to see people that were homeless, hungry, begging for money so they could make their kids and family happy. Nowadays we spend our time with our eyes closed and never think of the people who are starving. I am a blessed kid and an obedient son and I am so grateful for a home, parents, food and everything. I think the owner of Habitat for Humanity is a very thoughtful person. I am thankful for Habitat for Humanity because it is helping those who don’t have a home.


5 Année

Waterloo, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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