The Meaning of Home
Home is a magical place to me. It’s precious, filled with love and family. It’s cozy and warm. It's a cheerful place I’d never want to leave.
Firstly, home is precious to me because it has my belongings like the baseball that I got at my first M.L.B game. My parents, my sister, my brother and my favorite dog Chewie, make up my home. Chewie is afraid of his own shadow, but he will bark like crazy to protect us.
My home is so precious to me. My room is a safe space where I have alone time. My kitchen is where my family and I celebrate holiday suppers. If anything in my home broke, I’d rebuild. If they broke, I’d fix the lights, walls, doors and everything else because my home is precious to me.
Secondly, my home is cozy and comfortable. I love to relax with the peaceful sunlight shining through my windows. Seeing nature's inhabitants. From flowers to animals to the bright green trees during summer and the crackling fire during winter. Those are the things that make my house cozy and comfortable.
Finally, my home is cheerful. When I walk through my doors I’m filled with joy, I’m cheered to see my loving family, friends and my energetic GoldenDoodle. I feel lucky to be able to play video games, watch movies and play hockey in my basement. That’s when my dad yelled at me for breaking his window on his sliding doors to his office window, but I am going to fix it cheerfully, together with my dad.
No matter the size, if it is small, big or huge, you should always love your home and what is in it. I love mine because it’s precious, cozy and cheerful.