The Meaning of Home
My home is family. My home is my room. My home is filled with kindness.
My home is a place to be loved and cared for. My home is somewhere to rest and feel safe at all times. My home is peaceful. Everyone talks to family and friends calmly and no one interrupts one another. My mom tucks me in my warm bed under my fluffy grey covers when I am not feeling well.
My bedroom is my haven. If I get mad while at the park, I will go home and go right to my room to get away from people so I don’t take my anger out on them. When I’m alone in my room, I will try to calm myself down by reading a book, drawing or making comic books.
Kindness is everywhere in the world, especially in my home! Everyone in my home stands up for anyone who is mistreated. If someone can’t reach something from the top shelf, I will go find a chair and give it to them so they can stand on it so they can reach what they need.
This is why my home is my room, my home is loving and lastly my home is filled with kindness. These are three reasons why I love my home.