Meaning of Home

The meaning of home is not where it is but how you feel so if you are not comfortable with where you are most of the time it is not home. A homeless person is not homeless if they feel safe and happy with where they are. The meaning of home to me is where i'm happy, safe, comfortable and loved and i hope it's the same for you . I love my home but not because of the building but because of the people inside. Home is where I'm comfortable with where I am. I love my sister even though A LOT of the time she is annoying. but she is very important to me. And my brother is one of my least favorite people but my mum is always saying that once we are not living in the same house we will actually start liking each other. My family is not perfect but that's not important to me. them Being there for me is what's important. Home is family and we have fun sometimes. Home is comfort and happiness, the feeling of safety and that's family. Home is very important to me and that's what matters. The meaning of home means family and family can be anybody.


5 Année

Fergus, Ontario

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