It's My Serenity

It’s my serenity What really is a home? This is the question that hasn’t been answered. The reason is, everyone has their own definition of a home. This is my definition of a home. A home is not a house. A house has four walls and some brick. A home is what’s inside of those walls. A home is an environment that you create. An environment that you make the way you like. Whether that’s a cozy, heart-warming living room, or an aesthetic bedroom. You make the environment the way you want it, which makes it a home, because it makes you feel like you. A home is your serenity. It gives you peace with all of the imperfections of the world. It takes them away, and makes you feel safe. It takes you away. But in a good way. When you’re in your home, nothing can take it away from you. There’s a certain feeling that your home gives you. It’s a special feeling that is right in the heart. That’s because a home is in the heart. It’s in the heart, no matter where you live. You could live in a cabin, an apartment, semi-detached, a regular home or a mansion. You could live in a park, a tent, or on the streets. And that's what Habitat for Humanity is trying to help people get. If you live on the streets, you may have made it your home. But it’s not a safe or sanitary one. Habitat for Humanity is raising money- $10 per submission of what a home is to YOU- to build new and affordable houses. They build the houses, you make them a home. A home is in you, not out- but you need a place to be you to make it a home. My home is my serenity, and always will be. I hope it's yours too. That is my definition of a home. Thank you!


6 Année

Kingston, Ontario

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