A Four Letter Word That Means a Lot

What is a home? If one searches for the definition in a dictionary the answer will be, “the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household”. We can say home is a feeling along with a place. The idea of home is a diverse and unimaginably momentous category to sum up in words “Home is where heart is”. This 5 word sentence means that wherever your heart settles is your home. You can have a five storey tall house, but if your heart does not settle, it's not your home. A typical house has four rooms. Four rooms aren’t the only things that make up a house, a family turns a house into a home. Without a family a home is just a building. If a person could have the most precious material in this world, it would be nothing if that person did not have anyone to share it with. A family laughs, talks, cries and makes memories in a home. Those memories are a key thing for making a house a home. Many poor and unfortunate people in this world don’t have a house because they can’t afford them. Those poor people have to sleep under bridges or on sidewalks. Some people who can afford these essential things want more, they are not satisfied with what they have. Having a home isn’t everything, the environment should also be safe. We can also donate to charities for homelessness. Support organizations like Habitat for Humanity so homeless people can have a home. We should always remember that if we have something not everyone can afford we should be thankful that we have it.


6 Année

Mississauga, Ontario

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