This Is What Home Means to Me
Hello, I'm a grade 6 student and this is what home means to me. When I think of the word home these three words come to mind family, family is so important they help you so much. Comfort, comfort is a feeling you are okay. A safe place is a place with good people and safe from the weather.
Family is the best, you feel like someone always has your back when times are tough or difficult like this housing crisis, like we have in Canada with all the people who do not have homes. My family makes me feel special, unique and awesome. Family also protects you and keeps you safe but importantly family also shelters you. In my opinion every home should have a family or someone to take care of these people in need.
Comfort, when you are comfortable you feel safe, when the word home comes to mind, I think of these words exciting, comfortable, joyful and safe. When you are comfortable and at ease from grief or trouble you are in an environment that feels safe, this is what a home home is comfortable place because I have my family, friends and a roof over my head. But a home is not just some walls over my head, it’s a place where I can talk about my feelings.
A safe place is a place where you feel safe talking about something or somebody. A safe place has good people like family and friends and people that love you that take care of you. A home is not just walls, glass and a roof, a good home does not have bad people or drugs. A safe place is some were there is water and food, but most important love.
In conclusion I think that every Canadian should have a safe home with food water that’s warm and I hope that stays safe in this harsh housing crisis I am doing my part to help all Canadian get a safe home with food and water. I hope that by writing this I can help people in need. This is what home means to me. Thank you.
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