Meaning of Home
What is a home?
Everyone has a different opinion for what a home means to them. For some, a home can be a house that they live in, it could be a country from where they come from or a place where they feel loved.
I come from a family where my parents are separated and therefore, I have two houses that I travel between. Do I feel more at home with my mom, or do I feel more at home with my dad?
This for me is an easy question to answer. When I'm at my mom's house, I enjoy how peaceful and calm it is. I like how my mom wakes me up in the mornings with hugs. I love the way she gets me to school on time, and I like how we have the same taste in romantic Christmas movies. What I like about being with my dad is watching Marvel movies together, playing board games, his good cooking and being able to play outside no matter the weather.
Are you curious to know what my answer is? Like I said above, this is an easy question for me to answer. You see, for me, a home is a place where I feel loved, safe and where I feel supported. Although my parents are very different in their ways, and I enjoy different things with them, they both give me all of the above and more to make sure that I grow up to be happy and successful in making my dreams come true.
I guess for me I don't need a big house or even a house at all to feel like I'm home. What I do need is to be with people that I love and people that love me.
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