What makes a Home A "Home"?
What makes a Home A "Home"?
Poem By Rishi Vijay- Gr.6 Iroquois JPS Scarborough
(H)ome is where everyone's heart lives ♥
(O)wnership is not the key ?
(M)yriad of adventures to share ?
(E)veryone deserves a home ?
(S)helters you from sadness ?
(F)ills the empty gap ⬛
(O)bliged to have a home ?
(R)eally worth it ?
(H)eavenly ☁
(O)ne word- a thousand feelings ?
(M)akes you feel included ????
(E)mits love?
(L)oneliness disappears ?
(E)veryone feels safe ?
(S)miles are shared ?
(S)illy mistakes are forgiven ?
"Everyone deserves a home"
? Home Sweet Home ?