The meaning of home
The word home can mean different things to different people. Home can be a place of warmth, happiness, comfort, and being loved. The word home to me means food, traditions, and being loved by my family.
The meaning of home can mean many things. One of the meanings of my home is food. When my family has big celebrations, like our Simms family potluck, everyone brings different dishes of food like taco salad, meat balls, potato salad, mac and cheese, etc. My grandmother bakes her signature Blueberry Duff and her Butterfly cupcakes. Butterfly cupcakes were passed down from generation to generation of my grandmothers, and so was the Blueberry Duff. Blueberry Duff was made in the famous Africville Community, which I am from, and all of the women would make Blueberry Duff, including my Great and Great Great Grandmothers. A few summers ago, me, my grandmother, and my sister had an idea to bake butterfly cupcakes and lemonade to sell in Africville, and that was one of my favorite memories with my family. It also made me feel very warm inside to bake with my sister and grandmother.
My second meaning of home is traditions. My family has a lot of traditions in my home, like when we have our Simms Family Potluck, but there are more. Every year all of the Olivers go to my great grandmother's house to get together to celebrate being Olivers. All of the women cook ham, mashed potatoes, carrots, corn on the cob, turkey, green beans, anything you can think of. One of my favorite things to do there is play on the Wii sports Nintendo console and when my great grandmother tells us the myths and stories of Africville. Another tradition is on Canada Day, everyone goes on the back of my great uncle's truck, and he would drive all of my cousins and everyone who lives in my community to our Community Center, then the seniors would make hamburgers and hot-dogs for everyone in the community. Last, but not least, the most important meaning of home to me, is being loved by my family. My family's love is unconditional, and they show it in a lot of ways, by being there for me when I need it, caring for me, providing for me, etc. My mom is a single parent, but she still manages to do alot for me and my sisters. She is the best mom anyone can ask for, and I appreciate it so much. My grandfather is the biggest father figure to me, he is incredibly kind and caring to me and others. Whenever anyone needs help, he is always there for them, no matter what it is. My grandmother makes me, my grandfathers, and my sisters lunch every day, then she comes home and makes dinner for us. She does a lot for me and my family. That is why I love my mom, grandfather, my grandmother, and my family so much.
Thank you for reading about my home!
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