My mom, dad and sisters are at home.my older sis works at rossy and i have a hamster named bumblebear short bumble he is a male hamster mom and dad can tell when they look at the vingal now a fact did you know snow leopards can jump 50 feet and cougars are the highest jumping cat in the world now back to my family my mom almost likes baking more than me 20220 24 my fish died a day ago sapphire my betta fish it was a her she died for no reason my dad was super sad cause i give him her for his birthday
And that's my home
And next a little stories of a home
Mist and her brother simba
Hello my name is mist my a cat and i will show you my home and my brother simba will show you he's home my home is comfy and warm and i don,t risk my life every day in my home i love my home and my home has humans that feed me and water so i won't go thirsty and now you will see my brothers life!. I have a life which is risky, you can die every day, you have to hunt for yourself and my sis gets all the love I get all the hate. I got kicked out of my clan cause I was not good at hunting. I love hunting but it's annoying hunting but you have to live.
The end
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