The meaning of home
Home can be many things to many different people. Home can be safe or
comforting, but home can also be a sad or dangerous place. The meaning of
Home to me is family (including pets),safety and food.
The meaning of home to me is family, and to me a big member of my family is my pet. Pets can be very comforting to sleep with or to talk to. Whether it is a dog or a cat, hamster or even a fish. I like to sit down on my couch at home and talk to my pet a lot. Some of my happiest memories are with my pet. But I do not just want to talk about my dog, there are other members in my family besides him, Like my dad, mom and brother. I have a little brother that is growing up so fast in my home!
The second reason of home to me is safety, because I feel safe in my home. I feel safest in my home after school when I get to relax. On Fridays after school I get really excited to come home and spend the weekend in my home.
And my last reason is food, I love coming home to the smell of my mom baking cookies or supper. I have many memories of home baking and I learnt how to make scrambled eggs at my house with my mom.
In conclusion, the meaning of home to me is family, safety and food. I hope you enjoyed the meaning of home for me!
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