Hope in Home
I’ve lived in a lot of places,
And I’ve seen a lot of mighty faces,
Lot’s of friends come and go,
But home will protect me from the snow,
Home is a place where we know who we are,
Homes are everywhere near and far,
I don’t have a fancy home but it will do for now,
My home is near my grandpa and he has a cow,
Home is filled with lots of love,
My home is the perfect size it fits just like a glove,
Having a home is lovely just like a surprise,
A home is filled with a lot of loving allies,
Home is where I live and wake in my nice cozy bed,
A house is where I chillax and rest my head,
Home makes me feel warm and loved,
Home is a place where you do not get shoved,
I’m glad to be home with my family and friends,
Love and friendship never bends!
I wish everyone could have a home like me,
A gift like no other, even appreciated by a flea,
A house is a gift for many and all,
But a home is wide, big, and small
My house is near tall and sturdy trees,
In the summer I love the bumble bees,
My house is happy like it should be,
I love my house, my family, and me.
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