Home is a feeling
To me HOME is more of a feeling than anything else. I feel happy to have a roof over my head, I feel safe and protected from the dangers of the world.
When I'm home, I feel safe because I'm with my parents and at home and I feel so special to have a home and a family cause I heard of these true stories were there were struggling with money and can barely pay their rent but thanks to habitat for humanity now they can now they can pay there rent and have a nice home the meaning of home makes me feel like I can be myself I can be warm and cozy also I got clothes and everything that's special to me and my dog which recently died sadly but i also have my two cats one named kiwi other named eevee and home its a place where I have food and I can make new memories and store my old memories and I think of home all the time like when im at school outside on vacation and when I'm at home being home makes me feel like the happiest person in the world iIlove home and my family.