What Home Means To Me
What Home Means To Me
Not everyone has a home to go to at the end of the day or sleep in at night or to feel safe. But I am lucky enough to have one.
I love my home. My home has maple trees around it and there is a pool there. I also have my family there: my Mom, Dad, Brother, and my dog.
A home isn't just a house that you live in, it is a place you feel free.
When I hear the word home I feel safe and surrounded by love. Home is where I get to make a whole bunch of memories. I feel relaxed and I don’t have to worry about a single thing.
But home doesn't always have to mean a brick wall building where you sleep, eat, and drink. It can be a person or a pet or even a place where you don’t sleep. It can be anything that makes you feel happy and confident.
I don’t just have one place I call home. I have a place where I sleep and spend time with my family and make thousands of memories and have had so many laughs. But I also have a place I call home but it is my dance studio. I call this home because I can be myself and the people there like me for who I am and it just makes me feel happy.
Overall home can be anything. Anything that makes you feel good inside and happy. That is what home means to me.
By Charli