Home Where I Belong
Home Where I Belong
By: Maggie Montgomery
What is a home to you? Take a second to think about that. Maybe a home to you is a house. Well not everyone thinks that way one of those people would be me. I’m glad to tell you what a home is in my eyes.
Home, what might a home be? For starters it's not just a house. A home doesn’t have to be a building even! A home could be anything from a cave to a tiny shoe box to a car even all these could be a home to someone anyone for that matter! A home is where you live.
Some things that might be a bit confusing. Like when someone says oh that person's homeless, now you may say that but I feel that wouldn’t be the correct term In my opinion. I didn’t have an answer for that but maybe you do. I live in a house where I bring people over even when its a mess! We celebrate things we eat. Friends and family all together chilling in the living room. Home is where you feel you belong no one can say other wise. I wish others will say the same thing when their home rises from nothing.
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