The Meaning of Home
To me, home means being around the people that I trust, it doesn’t matter where. Many people believe that home is where they live, a fixed spot, but it means something much, much more. As Thor said in Thor: Ragnarok, “Asgard isn’t a place. It’s a people.” I believe something similar, that home is simply being around people who are important in your life, whether that is your parents, friends, siblings, or even teachers. Whether they know it or not, everyone has a home somewhere. You don’t have to have a house or apartment, all you need is the people in your life around you. There’s so many people out there who don’t have somewhere to live. So many of them will always stay positive. As long as you feel safe and comfortable, you can call that place home, as can others.
So many lower-class people are living in poor conditions, but I’ve done research and seen that sometimes, they are the most generous people you will meet. Even if they don’t have much to give, they will always have a smile on their face and help as much as they can. For the good, there’s always the bad, and some might not be the same. But always try to see the good in people, and then you will learn what someone really can do. To anyone who might be reading this, I want you to know that home isn’t always a place. Even if I was somewhere that wasn’t where I return to every day from school, I would still think of it as home if there are my friends and family nearby. It would feel different if it was in extremely different living conditions, but it would not matter if I had many different important people around me.
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