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Happy Old fashioned Magnificent Expensive: What is a home?

A home is a cozy, beautiful, nice, bright, snug, safe and luxurious place. A home is a huge space. A home is an experience of life. Homes usually have windows, door’s, floors and much more. Sometimes homes have 1, 2 or even 3 floors. I home means a place that is safe that is calm and quiet and a place that you can say you thought. Some people have homes, and some people don’t. I myself have a home. It's warm and light and has a great big window in the living room that I can watch out of. Some homes are big and some are small. A home has furniture, a home has food, a home has water, a home has love, a home has sweat and tears, a home has strength and bravery, a home has family and friends, a home has hope built into it. When you come back to school or work or just having a bad day you can go to your home and tell it what happened when your in pain the home has phones to call for help when your cold a home will have blankets when your scared of someone outside your home will have doors with locks and blinds on the window so you feel safe. A home is hard work and takes a long time but is it worth it.


Grade 6

Kitchener, Ontario

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