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The Meaning of Home

Home is a place where I am not alone. I watch TV with my family. I play with my brother and sister and I also have dinner with my family. Home is a place that many people have so that's why I am thankful that I have a home because not many people have a home and they spend their life sitting in the street alone without a family, without food, without a shelter with no love just sitting in a street so be thankful we are loved we have food we have a roof over our head. Home is a place where I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner when my mom makes me yummy sandwiches for breakfast and when my dad helps my mom make yummy eggs for breakfast, rice for lunch and some pakoras for dinner. Home is where everyone is happy, sad, mad but not lonely. At home people have fun with there family there, not lonely eating yummy food at home with your family playing with your family you can share your feeling at home that's what home is. By Hazqeel Ahmed Terry Fox P.S Brampton On


Grade 4

Brampton, Ontario

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