What home means to me
H appiness flows through my house to make it a home
O pen the door to a perfect place
M y home brings memories of Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and many other great times.
E very time I come home my cat greets me with a hug, my house is not a home without him.
I will always feel safe in my home
S o many things in my house make it a home, like my mom and my pets.
W hen I am in my home, I feel loved.
H umans of all kind should feel the same.
E veryone big or small should have a home, no matter what!
R ight here, right now I am thinking
E everyone needs a home.
T his world can be cruel.
H elp the ones in need.
E veryone is worthy of love.
H appiness should bring this world to peace, but it needs help.
E very family given a home is helping our world.
A s one family gets a home, its helps the world, one little step at a time
R eunite families with safety
T ogether we will make this whole world a home.
I will always be happy as long as everyone has a home.
S adness will no longer rule this world, joy forever.
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