Home of positive things
Plants in my house brings in nature
Windows of my house brightens my day
Lights in my house represents a great shine
Artwork makes my house look better then ever
The entrance of my house opens to a great place
Furniture of my house makes it a great place
I will have fun the same way in any house but what makes my house special is the love and relaxation I get
I have seen many houses a home can be made of sticks and mud or great big blocks of snow or next
To the ocean wide
My house is where I am safe and sound
My house is where I can relax and all I like to do
My house is bright like a star looks amazing like a star
A home is where dreams come true
A house is like a brain full of happy thoughts
My home has a special thing for my family
A home can be big or small but what matters is the joy and fun
The roof of my house represents a strong place where I’m safe
Walking in my house makes me feel positive in great ways
A house of positive things :D