Meaning of Home
Hello! My name is Mia.
You know a home isn't a place that you live in! Well a house isn’t actually what you need… I know what you're probably saying ‘‘Well actually a home IS what we need…’’ Well that isn’t actually what you need… You have everything in a house, but what do you ACTUALLY need?
When I was young my grandfather asked me ‘‘Do you know what you actually need?’’ I literally said EVERYTHING but he keeps saying NO! But then when he told me, I was SHOCKED! Like I don't even think you know it! Do you want to know? Well first let’s talk cause if I tell you know, the story would END already! You can skip the page and figure it out, but if you skip you will not understand. And don't worry cause this isn’t THAT long.
Ok so let’s start already, so we have a home and a house right? A house is the building you live in, and a home is LOVE.
1- Will you survive without a bed?
2- Will you survive without VIDEO GAMES!? DONT MESS WITH ME…
3- Would you survive… without a family…?
WOULD you survive WITHOUT a family…?
Exactly… No you would not.
And that’s what a home is.
FAMILY is HOME and home is LOVE! Family is there to protect you and anything else! Now you know what the difference is between a home and a house so next time… if someone says that I live in a home, say to them that they mean house, and explain to them what home REALLY means!
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