The Difference Between a House and a Home

What is home? A place where you reside? No, I don’t think so But maybe a place where you did your best and tried? You could live in a mansion or have no house at all If you say to a friend “Sorry man, I have to go home” you’re going to your house But you told them ‘home’, not ‘house’ So then where are you going? A house is a place, a home isn’t If you think of home you think of your house. You could live in an underground bunker with food, that still wouldn’t be home, You may ask yourself, Then what is home? Home is no place, It could honestly be outer space, home is wherever you and your loved ones are, no matter if that would be Your girlfriend, your dog, Your mom, your dad, your siblings that is home Home could also be a place where you feel safe and comfortable Wherever you go, does home come with you? Yes because wherever you are and your loved ones are could be home If you die and go to heaven Maybe that is where your loved ones are; so that is home Picture this: You’re going into grade 2, but you just changed schools You lost all your friends and have to make new ones That would be pretty hard, right? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me I had to go through all that as a 7-year-old. I now have worked through that pain but other issues came up I developed depression and anxiety and that was a terrible time in my life From there things looked up and home came back to what it was Before, It felt like I had no home, and nowhere to go except the internet The internet was home for maybe 5 years of my life If my day wasn’t going well I would post on Reddit and get the comfort I needed Or if I wanted to forget reality I would hop on Minecraft and talk about my struggles I made countless friends online that I’ve never even met in real life. These are a few examples of home, but I’ll add a few more: A Foster residence, or a hangout place A petting zoo or an animal shelter There are dozens more but I won't bother you with all of that I will continue the rest of my story to give you an example and an After the internet, I resorted to friends as my home I thought home was a place for the longest time but in reality It was a state of being where me and my loved ones went


6 Année

Edmonton, Alberta

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