Feeling of Home

When you first enter through the door, You find the luxury and satisfaction that you adore, Everything else you may be bored of, But home affects you to its deepest core. My people brought me enchantment, They became the jewel I desired, They became my biggest inspiration, Inspiration that I admired. A house may be constructed with bricks and cement, But the tenderness filled everywhere Will always be permanent. A home can be anything or Even almost everything I desire, As long as love and affection are Surrounded in that empire. Home is not just a home, But a marvellous feeling. Home is where I belong, Where all my wounds are healing. Home is an altar full of unicorns, Rainbows and having a duality Not a place for brutal reality. This is my home, My treasured place, My beginning and end to Each and every day. It’s my triumph and glory That these walls and shelves Are telling extraordinary stories. As they absorb all we do and say, This is our space, each corner is laced. Everything is so expertly and accurately placed, no excuses or complaints are required in our base. Home is a place, Where I can invariably be me, Complicated, elegant, entirely dressed for tea, Or even chillin 'and having a party at three. It’s the place of my dreams, Some search a lifetime for, And I can completely be myself here Without perfection or fuss, Some people call it home, But I simply call it us. No uniform ever required, Writing, dancing or even singing When inspired, nothing not Included, That I ever undesired, tried to have a break But boy that plan backfired! Oh so tired, sleep in late, On a very formal couch that’s so out of date, but immensely comfortable, Can you relate?


5 Année

Regina, Saskatchewan

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