What does a home mean to me or you?
What a home means to me is that it is a place where I feel really safe because it's really nice to live there. There is everything that I have there so that's why I think that it's a really nice place for me. The reason that it feels really good is because it’s my home and that I feel safe for a reason and that is all my stuff is there. The reason that it's a home for me is because my family is there and I feel safe all the time. A home can be an apartment or a really big place. Either could be a home. So, you can say home when you tell people you have a house or an apartment. The reason that I love my home is because that's where I can have my space and where I can truly relax, sleep and just do random stuff, like play video games, watch YouTube or Netflix and other stuff like play board games. These are the reasons that I call it home.
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