A Home Is Not A House

A house is the place that you sleep in, the walls that keep me warm. But at home I am playing inside during a thunderstorm. After dinner, in my house, my family is playing a game in the living room, and it is my family that makes it home, not my living room. A house is a shelter, but home is hot pancakes for dinner on a cool summer night. My house is just a building like all other houses but my home is hot chocolate after my sister and I played outside, on the sledding slide in the snow, my friend coming over to play, or a cozy blanket. A house is the walls dividing my room from the rest of it, but my home is love and kindness and my little bedroom, that is full of brightness. A home for me is being around animals, baked goods after school and my family but the building that I live in isn’t a home, it’s a house.


4 Année

Calgary, Alberta

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